Geothermal Energy- ICELAND
Iceland is a small country which is a island too. It’s a very volcanic area... there are some volcanoes, some mountains, Glaciers (the biggest of Europe is here), some geysers and there are cities too...
Iceland’s citizens are very ingenious people, because they make most of their electricity from geothermal, the hot temperature of water which is Under the ground of this Island Energy from geothermal is the article goal...
Distribution of energy in Iceland.
Their energies are Electricity from geothermal : 66% Hydroelectricity : 16 % Oil 16% and Coal : 2% We speak only about geothermal energy, because in the one hand it’s the most important, and on the other hand, it’s the most frequently utilized electricity in Iceland.
How they make geothermal energy ?
Their Thermal Gradient : It’s the temperature rate which change with the depth.- Some conditions are required for starting a geothermal exploitation : the mantel must be near the surface of the earth, and the ground must be enough stable. In geothermal exploitation, the steam from the depths of the earth, near the mantle which is near the ground, turns the turbines, which, connected to a generator, producing electricity for towns and villages. In geothermal exploitation, the steam from the depths of the earth, near the mantle which is near the ground ( 10 km distance, it’s ideal ), turns the turbines, which, connected to a generator, producing electricity for towns and villages. The hot water from steam is utilized for domestic utilizations ( shower, cooking, etc… )
Utilisation of geothermal electricity
In Iceland, there are some utilizations of geothermal electricity.
An exemple for the world : Europe
In Europe, we can, like in Iceland, start some geothermal exploitations ; Italia, Greece and Turkey are near the limit of African and Eurasia plate. Thus, they have volcanic areas Because they have extinct volcanoes, France, Spain and Germany can utilize geothermal energy too. Also Iceland is a important technology example for us.
Geothermal is a renewable and sure energy, which can be found in volcanic countries (actual and former) like Iceland, Japan, and New Zealand. Iceland’s example is our future, because in the 21st century, we will not have enough fossil energies ( oil, coal )… So, we should see better the technology evolution of energies, and so see better the Iceland technology, which is very, very interesting ( for them and also for us )…
date de publication : 7 mai 2012,
date de dernière mise à jour : 27 décembre 2011
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