Expédition Islande - Juillet 2011
Sur cette page, vous trouverez la mise à jour des aventures quotidiennes vécues par les participants et les participantes inscrits sur l’expédition de 2011.
16 adolescentes et adolescentes sont partis s’entraîner à la pratique de l’anglais dans le cadre d’un séjour linguistique de journalisme scientifique, sur le thème, ici, de la Géologie et du Volcanisme.
Vous trouvez ci-dessous les nouvelles quotidiennes au fur et à mesure de leur publication.
Buongiorno tutti, Ah ! non, je me trompe, mais c’est tellement polyglotte à la base, que nous en perdons notre français !!!
Tout le monde est bien arrivé, j’ai été cherché les derniers à l’aéroport hier soir ou plutôt ce matin très très tôt.....nous sommes arrivés au camp pour 2h et avons pu constater que la nuit était absente sous ces latitudes à cette époque.
Lundi 11 juillet :
Le groupe est constitué et tout le monde semble bien content d’être ensemble !!!!!! Nous sommes allés à Reykjavik pour faire du change de nos euros en krones islandaises. Chaque groupe en a profité pour réfléchir sur une thématique journalistique sur laquelle ils travailleront tout au cours de leur itinéraire. Et nous avons eu comme consigne de trouver des mots Islandais de spécialités culinaires ou non. Des mots comme skyr (fromage blanc islandais), kornur (femme) et Karlar (homme) sont apparus et nous familiarise un peu avec l’islandais. Nous partons demain au Landmannalaugar et ne serons pas toujours sur réseau donc pas de panique, dés que nous pourrons nous vous donnerons des nouvelles.
Tuesday, July 12th :
We pick up our camp at 05:00 hours to start a long trip through Iceland’s outback to Landmannalaugar. Our nice bus driver has come to pick us up at the camping site to transfer us to the central bus station with the same bus that takes us to Landmannalaugar, so we didn’t need to change all our stuff and material (backpacks + cooking facilities and food + tents) during all the trip.
At the route, we have stopped for a while to admire the mighty volcano HEKLA, the famous one that is appearing in the media this days. It is covered wit snow and also shows a solid ancient lava flow of impressive size. After mounting the tents and secure them with big obsydian stones (so the wind does not blow them away), we stretch our legs with a short walk to the Brennisteinsalda « the mountain in flames » The discovery of obsydiane rocks, sulphurous steam hot springs and Lyparite « rainbow-coloured » rocks has astonished the members of the expedition.
Wenesday, July 13th :
The morning begins with an activity in groups of 2 :
1- they need to find their Troll among the rocks of the sorroundings, and make a drawing out of it, as well as make it come back to life by the means of writting a short legend about it, all of this in English language. 2- Stone collection, with all the colours of the sorrounding mountains represented 3- Find out the meaning in Icelandic of our camping site : Landmannalaugar
The participants imagination were very impresive, we can red these stories in few days.
We have wished a happy birdthay to Théo.
Thursday, July 14th :
Our first interviews begin, several subjects have been chosen for each team of two participants : Weather in Landmannalaugar, yesterday’s small earthquake, the trail to Thorsmörk, the icelandic people & Iceland’s climate. After the interviews it’s time to move our camp to another location, we catch the bus that will take us across a wild mountain scenario to Skaftafell, where we make our camping.
In our route we stop for 1 hour to make a short walk to a nearby impressive waterfall.
Friday, July 15th :
For the wake up we have a beautiful point of view : the Vatnajokull glacier, the most largest of Europe.
Every body is fine and happy !!!!
Our day begins with the visit to the glacier next to our camp site. There we can see the different issues of glacial activity : Morraines, small icebergs, glacial lagoon, and we make a small stone pile’s art contest : The most unbeliavable pile of stones wins ! Nevertheless it becomes very difficult to choose wich one is the winner among such a level of artistic talent...
Time to do the laundry and showers after lunch, and as we have some time left and the weather is so nice, some of us make our way to the basalt columns at Svartifoss, one of the most famous in the world, and the glacier reporters can also take a view of our glacier from above, and compare it’s current shape with the same picture taken 3 years ago : Some bad news concerning global warming, the glacier is retreating.
Saturday, July 16th :
We catch the morning bus to Jökullsarlon, the glacial lagoon at the feet of the biggest glacier in Europe. The view is impressive, with the icebergs floating in the lagoon and finally ending up in the sea.
Some seals and seabirds apppear, so our participants can take a lot of pictures of them. Also, pictures are taken of the strange shapes the ice forms when melting, leading to a torrent of imagination about its forms. An excursion is done prior to catch the bus back to our camp site, where a warm meal is awaiting all of us.
Sunday, July 17th :
Time to move our camp again, this time to the coastal town of Vik. The road is rebuilt and we expect to take some pictures about the « yokullhaup » of last week (the july 9th)..
Monday, July 18th :
We spend most of our day on a short walk to Reynishverf beach, where we can see spectacular basaltic column formations and caves. As the day is clear and sunny the activity becomes a pleasant beach day, surrounded by all kinds of marine birds and the spectacular volcanic scenario.
From here we can see the famous volcano Eyjafjoll that was responsible for last year’s air traffic shutdown.
Tuesday, July 19th :
This is our last day in Iceland’s countryside, as this afternoon we’re moving back to Reykjavik. But we have still some time to visit the local graveyard next to the church, where we can make out the diverse Icelandic names and their patronymic surname system, the last one remaining in Western Europe.
Wednesday, July 20th and Thursday, July 21th :
Back in Reykjavik, our last phase of the expedition takes place. It’s time to start writing the articles and presentations.
For this purpose we use the City Youth Hostel’s premises and seek in the internet more information to complete the articles.
Friday, July 22th :
Everybody works hard for the retransmission. At six on the afternoon, the first presentation started and we have learnt in english a lot of things about Iceland and Icelandic people.
Thanks a tutti, we wish you a good summer Marc, Sandrine and Mael !!!!!
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date de publication : 11 juillet 2011,
date de dernière mise à jour : 23 juillet 2011
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